Russian Circles have launched the first installment of Empros live studio sessions in support of their upcoming tour with Chelsea Wolfe and Marriages.
Watch the band perform “309” below.
Russian Circles have launched the first installment of Empros live studio sessions in support of their upcoming tour with Chelsea Wolfe and Marriages.
Watch the band perform “309” below.
Russian Circles have announced complete dates for their summer North American tour with Chelsea Wolfe and Marriages. The itinerary follows:
Russian Circles have announced initial dates for their upcoming summer tour with Chelsea Wolfe and Marriages. Dates confirmed thus far include:
Russian Circles and Eagle Twin will tour Australia in September/October.
Update 6/6, 11:35am PDT – New Zealand dates have been added.
Dates follow:
Russian Circles, Marriages (Red Sparowes), and Chelsea Wolfe are planning an August US tour. Dates are to be announced.