Touche Amore and Loma Prieta will head to Japan in January/February. Dates follow:
Touche Amore and Loma Prieta will head to Japan in January/February. Dates follow:
Loma Prieta have lined up a run of California dates in January. Dates follow:
Loma Prieta have been at work on new material as of late.
The band recently released a 12-inch repressing of their second album Life/Less through their own label Discos Huelga.
Loma Prieta’s track “Lost Bridge” is streaming below.
A 12-inch repressing of their second album Life/Less has been released via their own label Discos Huelga.
Loma Prieta are planning a 12-inch rerelease of their second album Life/Less via their own Discos Huelga label in partnership with Deathwish. A date has yet to be announced.
The effort will be repressed with new artwork and packaging.