
The Dillinger Escape Plan, Evile Nirvana Covers to Appear on Kerrang! ‘Nevermind Forever’ CD

Kerrang! Magazine’s September 24th issue will feature a 14-track Nirvana covers CD, Nevermind Forever, that will include renditions from The Dillinger Escape Plan, Evile, amongst others.

Nevermind Forever Track Listing:


Evile Writing New Album

Evile are currently writing a new album.

Guitarist Ol Drake comments:

“We’re well on our way into writing the material for Evile’s third album now. We’ve been playing around with the odd part and riffs since ‘Infected Nations’ came out in 2009. I have about ten song ideas which are being built on daily, but not going to stop there. We’re not going to limit ourselves this time to a  ertain number of songs. We’re just going to write until it’s time to give up and go into pre-production. We’ve been sending tracks/recordings/ideas back and forth between ourselves, Russ Russell and our management (Wiseblood) and there’s an excellent vibe going.”