Dude, Omar is just all over the place these days. At The Drive-In’s been in the studio, and he keeps putting out those solo records. You know how he’s releasing a total of 12 solo albums this year? Well so far he’s put out three.

Dude, Omar is just all over the place these days. At The Drive-In’s been in the studio, and he keeps putting out those solo records. You know how he’s releasing a total of 12 solo albums this year? Well so far he’s put out three.
Can you believe it’s been 16 years since Relationship of Command came out? And with no follow-up album since! But all that changes right now. At The Drive-In are in the studio tracking their first record since 2000.
Ouch! Okay, so you know how Omar is doing an epic 12 album series where’s he’s releasing a new album every other week?
If there’s anyone that doesn’t stop, it’s Omar Rodriguez-Lopez. The At The Drive-In/Mars Volta guitarist is set to release 12 solo albums every other week for the rest of the year. And on top of that, his other projects are in full swing.
Damn, Omar! We knew you had a bunch of unreleased material, but we didn’t realize it was 12 albums worth.