Surrounded By Monsters Say They Will Not Tolerate The Bunny The Bear; Drop Off Tour

by | Nov 26, 2012

Surrounded By Monsters have dropped off the remaining dates of their current tour with The Bunny The Bear, calling the group disrespectful and confrontational.

The band stated, “We are very sorry to those who were planning on coming to see us at the scheduled shows, but we refuse to continue to support a band like The Bunny The Bear. From the start of this tour The Bunny The Bear has been disrespectful and confrontational to ticket holders by calling people in the audience derogatory remarks, to canceling sets because not enough people were in the audience for them to care. This is not something that we as a band support or endorse and we will not tolerate it any further.”

“It is the fans and their support that make a bands growth and life possible,” the group added, “and by no means should The Bunny The Bear think they have the right to treat people the way they do. No band should EVER put themselves above their fans.”

Update 6:23 pm PST – A video announcement is below.

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