Suicide Silence are Releasing a CD/DVD of Mitch Lucker’s Memorial Show

by | Dec 16, 2013

Remember when Suicide Silence did that memorial show for Mitch Lucker last year?

Well, the entire performance is going to be released on CD/DVD early next year.

It’s called Ending Is The Beginning: The Mitch Lucker Memorial Show, and it’ll hit streets on February 18th in North America and March 17th in Europe through Century Media.

Ending Is The Beginning: The Mitch Lucker Memorial Show Track listing:

01. Destruction of a Statue with Jonny Davy
02. Distorted Thought of Addiction with Greg Wilburn
03. Ending is the Beginning with Brook Reeves
04. Bludgeoned to Death with Ricky Hoover
05. Unanswered with Phil Bozeman
06. Girl of Glass with Myke Terry
07. Price of Beauty with Danny Worsnop
08. No Pity For A Coward with Johnny Plague
09. Disengage with Cameron “Big Chocolate” Argon
10. No Time To Bleed with Burke VanRaalte
11. Smoke with Anthony Notarmaso
12. Wake Up with Tim Lambesis
13. March To The Black Crown
14. Slaves to Substance with Eddie Hermida
15. OCD with Austin Carlile
16. Fuck Everything with Chad Gray
17. Die Young with Robb Flynn
18. Roots Bloody Roots with Max Cavalera
19. Engine #9 with Mitch Lucker
20. You Only Live Once with Randy Blythe

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