The Fever: members of letlive, The Chariot & Night Verses form new band

by | Jul 5, 2017

Here’s a new project worth keeping an eye on. It’s a band featuring current and former members of letlive, The Chariot and Night Verses. And yes… there’s footage of their debut show.

The group includes former letlive. frontman Jason Aalon Butler, ex-The Chariot guitarist Stephen Harrison, and Night Verses drummer Aric Improta.

Yesterday the band played what appears to be their first live performance ever. It took place at Randy’s Donuts in Los Angeles — they literally took over the parking lot and played a DIY show. Is there a better way to celebrate the 4th of July?

Anyways we don’t have too many details on the future of the project. We presume some material will surface online in the near future.

For now, here’s footage of the performance…

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