Envy On The Coast releasing Ritual EP — listen to this new song

by | Apr 13, 2017

It’s strange to think that it’s been 7 years since Envy on the Coast broke up. Shortly after the release of their 2010 album Lowcountry, the group called it quits. But rest assured, they’re back in full swing and set to release a new EP, Ritual.

Ritual sees original members Ryan Hunter and Brian Byrne steering the band in a new direction. It bridges the gap between the band’s past and future.

Ryan explained,

“This EP is a time capsule. It’s a page that was half finished, is now completed, and enables us to sleep at night knowing we can officially move forward. It’s both a farewell to some of the feelings and sounds that have been a part of us forever, as well as a tease and introduction to the path ahead.”

Envy On The Coast inked a deal with Equal Vision Records and will be releasing Ritual on June 30th.

Here’s their new track “Manic State Park.”

Photo: @Audrey Lew

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