Agnostic Front and Outbreak Touring in May

by | Mar 13, 2010

Agnostic Front will be teaming up with Outbreak for a tour in May. Dates are below:

May 13 Tampa, FL @ Orpheum
May 14 Miami, FL @ Churchill’s
May 15 Orlando, FL @ Backbooth
May 16 Jacksonville, FL @ The Pit
May 17 Atlanta, GA @ Masquerade
May 18 Charlotte, NC @ The Tremont Music Hall
May 19 Richmond, VA @ Canal Club (Lounge)
May 20 Baltimore, MD @ Otto Bar
May 21 Farmingdale, NY @ Crazy Donkey
May 22 Revere, MA @ Club Lido
May 23 Poughkeepsie, NY @ The Chance

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