Interview: Bevan Davies & Kyle Sanders Tell the Story of MonstrO

by | Jun 1, 2012

In the early 2000s when MonstrO drummer Bevan Davies moved to LA with his band Comes With The Fall, one of the group’s first-ever fans was Alice in Chains mastermind Jerry Cantrell.

“When we had a show…[Cantrell] would come out and do encores with us on our tunes,” says Davies. “Then we would end up going back to our rehearsal space and jamming Alice in Chains songs all night.”

Though years have passed since those late night sessions with Davies rehearsing “Rooster” at his LA jam spot, he and MonstrO bandmate Kyle Sanders (bass) have maintained close ties to the legendary Seattle group. Formed from the ashes of metal band Bloodsimple and guitarist Juan Montoya’s departure from Torche, MonstrO’s 2011 self-titled debut album saw Alice in Chains vocalist William DuVall steering the production helm.

Sanders says working with DuVall surpassed his expectations. “We knew what we wanted, but weren’t exactly sure how we were going to get there.” He added, “When William got involved…after the record was done, [we were] 100% satisfied.”

As the three of us chat on a hectic Sunset Blvd about the story of MonstrO, Davies says he was not at all surprised when DuVall – also a member of the in-limbo Comes With The Fall – landed the gig as Alice in Chains’ new vocalist.

“We still laugh about it.”

Left to right: Bevan Davies & Kyle Sanders

Photos by Dorothy Gilbert

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