GONE IS GONE: The QOTSA, ATDI, MASTODON Supergroup Debuts Another Song + Tour Dates

by | May 26, 2016

Tis the season for supergroups. Next one at bat is Gone is Gone, the project with members of Queens of the Stone AgeAt The Drive-In and Mastodon

The band features Troy Sanders (Mastodon) on vocals/bass, guitarist Troy Van Leeuwen (Queens Of The Stone Age), At The Drive-In drummer Tony Hajjar and guitarist/keyboardist Mike Zarin — and they’re releasing their self-titled debut EP in July.

In support of the release they’ll be doing a handful of scattered dates in the US — one of the West Coast and three out East.’

Here’s a video for their new song “Starlight.”

Gone is Gone comes out July 3rd through Rise Records.

Gone Is Gone tour dates:

Jul 07 Los Angeles, CA @ Teragram Balroom
Jul 11 New York, NY @ Bowery Ballroom
Jul 12 Washington, DC @ Rock & Roll Hotel
Jul 13 Brooklyn, NY @ St. Vitus

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