Unheard Dimebag Darrell Track Released in Metal Hammer Issue

by | Apr 9, 2010

Metal Hammer magazine will be releasing an unheard track from “Dimebag” Darrell Abbott (Pantera, Damageplan) in this month’s issue.

Slayer drummer Dave Lombardo — he produced the song — tells Metal Hammer: “I got the track and put it into Pro Tools and trimmed the edges and made it shine a bit but the true producer and engineer was Dime. The sounds you hear are the ones he recorded, I just cleaned it up.”

“[Dime’s former girlfriend] Rita told me about the song, about Zakk and the whole the story about them getting together and ending up drunk. It’s really cool. Rita fills me in and all the stories are so great. They had such a nice life. I’ve come know more about him and his impact later in life than I did at the time. You really appreciate his art and what he contributes to metal.”

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