Destroy The Runner Interview On Ryan’s Rock Show

by | Jan 25, 2010

Tough I don’t really like to do phoners anymore for Ryan’s Rock Show, I’ve been hearing that a lot has been going on with the Destroy The Runner camp — so I decided to get the dudes on the phone. The band just released a B-side to their album “Saints”, called “Sinners”, this past Friday through online outlets (iTunes, Rhapsody, etc.), and they are currently in pre-production for a new album. I hit up Chad and Duane to get the 411 on all Destroy The Runner happenings.

In this interview, the guys start off talking about what encouraged them to rework the B-side track, how fans are reacting, and then go on to discuss their upcoming album. The new album, which they begin tracking in two weeks, will feature a number of guest appearances, including Jordan Mancino (As I Lay Dying) who will be handling drum duties for the entire record. Though a release date is still unknown, the band says that it is “a perfect cross between ‘Saints’ and ‘I, Lucifer’.”


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