Oh, Sleeper Finishing ‘The Titan EP’; Second EP in the Works

by | Jun 17, 2013

Oh, Sleeper are finishing work on their new EP and announced that they’ll be recording a second EP following Warped Tour.

The band, who had hoped to crowdfund $30,000 via an Indiegogo campaign to fund a new release, surpassed their goal, raising nearly $55,000.

“Because of this amazing support we are extremely proud to announce that we WILL be reserving enough funds raised over our goal to schedule time after Warped Tour to hit the studio to make a SECOND EP! We aren’t sure of the date because it will have to fit in when our touring schedule permits, but we will definitely be recording another EP.”

The band added, “We have wrapped up in the studio and are in the final stages of preparing the release of The Titan EP (and now en route to Warped Tour!). We are beyond thrilled with how these songs have turned out and extremely grateful for the tremendous effort our producer, Andreas Magnusson, has put into helping us rush this out. Our sound has evolved and we absolutely cannot wait to hear your response.”

The first single off the EP, “The Pitch,” is expected to premiere online shortly.

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